Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND

at 218-179 Davie Street, Vancouver , V6Z2Y1 Canada

Helping you achieve total health: More energy, Better Sleep, Improved Focus, Strong Immunity, Better Digestion and Pain Relief.

Address and contacts of Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND

place map
Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND
218-179 Davie Street
Vancouver , BC V6Z2Y1
Contact Phone
P: 604-235-8068


Kaleigh Coolsaet is a licensed Naturopathic Physician who is dedicated to educating and empowering her patients to helping them live and lead healthier lives. Her patients can expect to receive a thorough health intake, a complete physical exam and any required lab testing to determine the root cause of their symptoms. Upon obtaining a comprehensive health history an individualized and specific treatment protocol will be prescribed. A treatment protocol may include any of the following modalities: clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, acupuncture, lifestyle counseling, and/or IV vitamin therapies depending on the condition being treated. Kaleigh is board certified to provide IV therapies, chelation therapies, acupuncture and holds pharmaceutical prescription rights in British Columbia. She also has additional training in methylation and clinical nutrigenomics, and craniosacral therapy (CST). By staying up to date on medical research she is able to combine the latest research with the ancient healing traditions of naturopathic medicine to create a well balanced evidenced based approach to achieving optimum health for her patients. The following is a list of conditions or concerns she treats: • General Health (Fatigue, detoxification, genetics & methylation (MTHFR) concerns, stress management, anti-aging, etc.) • Endocrinology (Weight Loss, thyroid disorders, adrenal Fatigue, diabetes, etc.) • Women’s Health (PMS, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement, etc.) • Mental Health (Depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.) • Digestive Health (Constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.) • Immune Health (Common cold & flu, acute & chronic infections, allergies, etc.) • Skin Health (Acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.) In 2009 she completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Guelph obtaining a BSc with honors in biological sciences as well as a minor in nutritional sciences. It was her interest and passion in nutritional sciences that inspired her to further her studies in nutrition and health. This lead her to complete her studies in naturopathic medicine at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM). During her studies at BINM she was an active member of the students association as well as a board member of Naturopaths Without Borders (NWB). Being a part of NWB she was able to travel to provide naturopathic medicine in Puerto Penasco, Mexico and aided in providing naturopathic medicine to other global health initiatives. Outside of practicing as a Naturopathic Doctor, Kaleigh enjoys an active lifestyle in Vancouver practicing yoga, hiking, working out and walking her dogs. She enjoys cooking and experimenting with new healthy recipes that she can share with her patients.

Opening time

  • Mondays: 13:00- 18:00
  • Wednesdays: 11:00- 18:00
  • Thursdays: 11:00- 18:00

Company Rating

467 FB users likes Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND, set it to 17 position in Likes Rating for Vancouver, British Columbia in Doctor category


Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND is Vancouver based place and this enity listed in Family Doctor category. Located at 218-179 Davie Street BC V6Z2Y1. Contact phone number of Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND: 604-235-8068

Doctor category, Vancouver

Dr. Kaleigh Coolsaet, ND
218-179 Davie Street Vancouver , BC V6Z2Y1 Canada

Helping you achieve total health: More energy, Better Sleep, Improved Focus, Strong Immunity, Better Digestion and Pain Relief.

Kandu Doctor
925 Davie Street Vancouver , BC V6Z 1B9 Canada

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Portland Hotel Society, 20 West Hastings Street Vancouver , BC V6B 1G6 Canada
