Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic

at 3210 Denali St, Ste 1, Anchorage , 99503 United States

Our doctors help thousands of people end their pain and suffering, and recommend whole body chiropractic for optimal health and wellness.

Address and contacts of Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic

place map
Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic
3210 Denali St, Ste 1
Anchorage , AK 99503
United States
Contact Phone
P: (907) 677-6953


Anchorage chiropractors, Dr. Dennis Young and Dr. John Pairmore have been helping people in pain with effective non-drug, non-surgical solutions for over 40 years of combined experience. Their aim is to assist with 'whole body chiropractic'. They specialize in upper cervical care, specifically with the Atlas Orthogonal instrument and the Gonstead technique, and have become trusted health team members for thousands of people during that time. Dr. Pairmore and Dr. Young are dedicated to helping every patient live more comfortably with fuller, more productive lives. Come in for a complimentary consultation, if you have some health concerns to discuss with them. We'd love to meet you. Thank you!

Opening time

  • Mondays: 09:00- 18:00
  • Tuesdays: 09:00- 18:00
  • Wednesdays: 09:00- 18:00
  • Thursdays: 09:00- 18:00
  • Fridays: 09:00- 18:00
  • Saturdays: 09:00- 13:00

General Info

When people ask me why I became a chiropractor I tell them, "Gonstead Chiropractic saved my life"! Dr. John Pairmore, his wife, Sengthiene, and kids, Hannah, Brandon and Alisa. I had injured my lower back at work and my days and nights were filled with non-stop pain. I was unable to work and the pain seemed to become even worse. I was scared about my future and worried that I might become disabled from back pain like my uncle was. I was under chiropractic care but I wasn't getting any better after months of care. I was then introduced to a Gonstead Chiropractor. Those procedures saved my life and made all the difference. I knew there were thousands of people who needed the rock solid, tried and true procedures that helped me so, I began the process of becoming a chiropractor but not just a chiropractor, a Gonstead trained chiropractor. I did just that. "I had been in practice for about 10 years and had a large busy practice when a slip and fall while hunting almost ended by career." Dr. Dennis D. Young, DC You know, it really wasn't that big a fall but I hit my head and it hurt my upper neck. Within 6 weeks of that fall, I had high blood pressure, a none stop severe headache, dizziness, constant neck and mid back pain and to top it off lower back pain with a pain in my left knee that felt like an ice pick. Thank God a friend of mine from college spotted me across the room came up to me and said, "your atlas is out". I told him that I was being treated by some great chiropractors but I was getting steadily worse. He introduced me to another doctor and in a few days I drove the 3 hours to see this doctor and he basically gave me my life back. I remember that as I closed the door leaving his office for the first time after he adjusted my atlas, I did not have 80% of what I had walked in there with. For the first time in 6 months, no headache, no neck ache, knee pain gone and that horrible knot in my mid back was gone. At that point I realized I had to learn this procedure the Atlas Orthogonal Protocol of upper cervical chiropractic care. I did just that. I am now Board Certified in the Atlas Orthogonal procedure.

Company Rating

220 Facebook users were in Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic. It's a 1 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Chiropractor category in Anchorage, Alaska

3794 FB users likes Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic, set it to 1 position in Likes Rating for Anchorage, Alaska in Chiropractor category


Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic is Anchorage based place and this enity listed in Chiropractor category. Located at 3210 Denali St, Ste 1 AK 99503. Contact phone number of Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic: (907) 677-6953

Chiropractor category, Anchorage

Pairmore & Young: Synergy Chiropractic
3210 Denali St, Ste 1 Anchorage , AK 99503 United States

Our doctors help thousands of people end their pain and suffering, and recommend whole body chiropractic for optimal health and wellness.