Swansea Elementary

at 4650 Columbine St, Denver , 80216 United States

Swansea is a high growth & high performing elementary school in northeast Denver, serving grades ECE-5th.

Address and contacts of Swansea Elementary

place map
Swansea Elementary
4650 Columbine St
Denver , CO 80216
United States
Contact Phone
P: (720) 424-3630


Swansea Elementary serves grades ECE-5 in northeast Denver. Our highly dedicated and highly qualified staff emphasizes the importance of education in achieving hopes and dreams. We strive to inspire student confidence through high expectations and our positive behavior reinforcement system, encouraging students to connect their experiences in the classroom with future goals. Nearly 70% of Swansea teachers hold a master's degree or higher, and our motto here is "College, ready!" Part of our vision is to prepare students to be college and career ready for the 21st century, which is why every Swansea classroom enjoys the use of a personal laptop set. Students also enjoy learning through technology in the technology lab. Swansea offers a variety of support, enrichment, and leadership opportunities, including: Soccer Basketball Jump Rope Club Summer Scholars Girl Scouts Boy Scouts El Sistema Student Council Playworks Alyssa Cares Book Trust Response to Intervention (RTI) Swansea students, staff, parents, and neighbors are united for the success of our students. Come to Art Night, Math Night, Literacy Night, or have breakfast with our principal (Muffins with Muñoz!), and you'll see the community commitment and involvement to our school and our students.

Company Rating

235 Facebook users were in Swansea Elementary. It's a 49 position in Popularity Rating for companies in School category in Denver, Colorado

325 FB users likes Swansea Elementary, set it to 88 position in Likes Rating for Denver, Colorado in School category


Swansea Elementary is Denver based place and this enity listed in Elementary School category. Located at 4650 Columbine St CO 80216. Contact phone number of Swansea Elementary: (720) 424-3630

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Lowest grade taught: 6th Grade - Highest grade taught: 8th Grade