TRW Automotive

at 6365 Hawthorne Dr, Windsor , N8T 3G6 Canada

Address and contacts of TRW Automotive

place map
TRW Automotive
6365 Hawthorne Dr
Windsor , ON N8T 3G6
Contact Phone
P: (519) 948-6408

Company Rating

107 Facebook users were in TRW Automotive. It's a 3 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Automotive Service category in Windsor, Ontario


TRW Automotive is Windsor based place and this enity listed in Business category. Located at 6365 Hawthorne Dr ON N8T 3G6. Contact phone number of TRW Automotive: (519) 948-6408

Automotive Service category, Windsor

JH Restorations Ltd
4880 Walker Rd. Unit D Windsor , ON N9A 6J3 Canada

JH Restorations Ltd. Restos, Rods and Customs is all we do...... And of course we supply the parts anyone might want to complete their own project. JH Restorations has it roots in the first cars our family ever worked on, back in 1979 when my father was rebuilding a 1969 Beaumont to drive to and from work. Most of these early cars were built using parts from wrecking yards or some parts that you could still find at the dealerships but most times it all came down to some good ol’ fashion metalworking and body work skills not to mention hard work, and ingenuity. We have worked on many cars since then, and have always been involved in the hobbies of street rod, racing and restoration in some way or another. Whether circle track racing on a Friday night, or fabricating a custom floor pan for a 35 Chevrolet, even replacing quarter panels on a 78 Z-28 we have been there. With combined experience between father and sons of almost 35 years, we can proudly say that what ever you need, and whatever you can dream, we can help. A couple years ago the group of father and sons took a look at what we had been working on, and saw that there was a need to gain access to parts and offer services for the many projects that were popping up. So taking the responsibility upon ourselves we opened a shop full time to sell parts and services to the automotive enthusiasts. We now offer our services for restorations, resto mods, sheetmetal work, interiors, ground up services and more, while still selling any restoration parts and performance accessories you will need for all GM Muscle Cars, Mustangs, Classic GM Trucks and Street Rods. JH Restoration has a long list of well known suppliers which enables us to sell almost any part that an enthusiast like you might need.

Sevan Shlimoon of Windsor Chrysler
10380 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor , ON N8R 1A7 Canada

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