A6 Pub Karlsruhe

at Herrenstraße 36, Karlsruhe , 76133 Germany


Address and contacts of A6 Pub Karlsruhe

place map
A6 Pub Karlsruhe
Herrenstraße 36
Karlsruhe 76133
Contact Phone
P: 017656672855

Company Rating

20 Facebook users were in A6 Pub Karlsruhe. It's a 51 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Restaurant & Cafe category in Karlsruhe, Germany

39 FB users likes A6 Pub Karlsruhe, set it to 74 position in Likes Rating for Karlsruhe, Germany in Restaurant & Cafe category


A6 Pub Karlsruhe is Karlsruhe based place and this enity listed in Cafe category. Located at Herrenstraße 36 76133. Contact phone number of A6 Pub Karlsruhe: 017656672855

Restaurant & Cafe category, Karlsruhe

Café Brenner Karlsruhe
Karlstrasse 61 Karlsruhe 76133 Germany

Der Treffpunkt in Karlsruhe für Schlemmer und Genießer. Sechzig verschiedene Kuchen und Torten, vierzig verschiedene Sorten Pralinen und märchenhafte Petits fours lassen keine Wünsche offen.

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Bar - Café - Restaurant seit 1999 Italienisch einmal anders!

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