AllerWeltHaus Hagen

at Potthofstraße 22, Hagen , 58095 Germany

Address and contacts of AllerWeltHaus Hagen

place map
AllerWeltHaus Hagen
Potthofstraße 22
Hagen 58095
Contact Phone
P: 02331/21410


The AllerWeltHaus Hagen ; commonly shortened to AWH; is a Cultural center in the Dr. Ferdinand David Park in Hagen. It is located next to the Potthofstraße in Hagens downtown area, near the central Synagogue.FacilitiesIt houses a Fair Trade Shop and a Coffeehouse called Café Bistro Mundial, offering a changing vegetarian-vegan menu of the day from Monday to Friday. A Cultural & Educational Center can also be found in the AllerWeltHaus: Its regular cultural program, cultural projects and workshops with artists from all over the world contribute to build bridges and to arouse curiosity about cultural vitality, with lectures, exhibitions and seminars providing in-depth information on current development issues.Numerous collaborations with schools and News media are intended to contribute to broad social consensus on the issues of "sustainable development".The AllerWeltHaus Hagen e.V.The AllerWeltHaus and its institutions are run by the AllerWeltHaus Hagen Association, which purpose according to its mission statement is "to promote an international attitude, international understanding and care for those being persecuted for political, racial or religious reasons, especially in the area of youth welfare.The association is committed to a peaceful, just and ecologically sound development.It opposes all inhumane and racist endeavors.

Company Rating

20 Facebook users were in AllerWeltHaus Hagen. It's a 9 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Non-profit organization category in Hagen, Germany

2 FB users likes AllerWeltHaus Hagen, set it to 19 position in Likes Rating for Hagen, Germany in Non-profit organization category


AllerWeltHaus Hagen is Hagen based place and this enity listed in Landmark category. Located at Potthofstraße 22 58095. Contact phone number of AllerWeltHaus Hagen: 02331/21410

Non-profit organization category, Hagen

AllerWeltHaus Hagen
Potthofstraße 22 Hagen 58095 Germany

Förderverein der Grundschule Boloh in Hagen
Weizenkamp 3 Hagen 58093 Germany

1. Vorsitzende Katja Schmidt Tel: 02331-53109 2. Vorsitzende Yvonne Meyer Tel.: 02331 52141 Kassiererin Kirsten Nieder Schriftführerin Tanja Plümpe Beisitzerin Henrike Beckenbach Tel.: 02331 3481980

DRK Blutspendecenter Hagen
Feithstraße 180-186 Hagen 58097 Germany

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