Best Western Queens Hotel-Bar Karlsruhe

at , Karlsruhe , 76137 Germany

Address and contacts of Best Western Queens Hotel-Bar Karlsruhe

place map
Best Western Queens Hotel-Bar Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe 76137
Contact Phone
P: ---


Company Rating

3 Facebook users were in Best Western Queens Hotel-Bar Karlsruhe. It's a 73 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Hotel & Lodging category in Karlsruhe, Germany


Best Western Queens Hotel-Bar Karlsruhe is Karlsruhe based place and this enity listed in Hotel category. 76137.

Hotel & Lodging category, Karlsruhe

Hotel Aviva
Ohiostraße 15 Karlsruhe 76149 Germany

Hotel Elite
Sachsenstr.17-19 Karlsruhe 76137 Germany

Hostel ARIVA
Lameystraße, 4 Karlsruhe 76185 Germany

Hostel ARIVA ab 13 € Nacht