Conférence de Washington DC

at Conférence De Washington DC, Washington, District of Columbia United States

Washington 1 - Angelion One Refroidissement climatique Terrestre 2 - La conférence de Washington Angeli Nouveaux territoires et possessions minières - Crue Orbital solide 300.000 Tonnes - Transfère curviltant liquide

Address and contacts of Conférence de Washington DC

place map
Conférence de Washington DC
Conférence De Washington DC
Washington, District of Columbia , DC
United States
Contact Phone
P: 727147


la mise au point des technologie suivante • La grue orbitale Terre, Mars, Vénus, Mercure, Titan: Objectif Terre 300.000 tonnes, Terre-Terre, Terre-Espace, Espace-Terre. • L’ange : Bouclier thermique contrôlant rayonnement solaire et cosmique pénétrant et donc le climat planétaire. • Le transfère curviltant de liquide : Les titaniers • Les satellites géostationnaires en curvilt : Nouvelle génération de satellite

General Info

La physique curviltat est la physique des corps filiforme en orbite. Une innovation dans la physique orbital classique (point). Elle donne naissance à trois machines L’ange • La Grue orbitale • Les Satellites filiformes Les trois principale machines de Diya appliqué à la physique curviltat. L’ange est une machine de contrôle du climat planétaire conçu par M. Diya Arnold. Le tube de diamant forme la grande partie de l’ange. Sa longueur est relative à la nature du corps à curvilté, densité, corrosivité, fluidité, polarisation, cristallinité. L’ange se compose de trois partis • La tête polarisatrice • Le corps tubulaire, orbiteur • Le pied régulateur C’est une machine reposant sur les lois de la physique orbitale des corps filiforme dite physique curviltat.

Company Rating

4 Facebook users were in Conférence de Washington DC. It's a 88 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Non-profit organization category in Washington, District of Columbia

1 FB users likes Conférence de Washington DC, set it to 213 position in Likes Rating for Washington, District of Columbia in Non-profit organization category


Conférence de Washington DC is Washington based place and this enity listed in Non-Profit Organization category. Located at Conférence De Washington DC DC Contact phone number of Conférence de Washington DC: 727147

Non-profit organization category, Washington

Voto Latino
Voto Latino PO Box 35608 Washington , DC 20008 United States

Voto Latino is a pioneering civic media organization that seeks to transform America by recognizing Latinos’ innate leadership.

Women's Media Center
PO Box 70967 Washington , DC 20024-0967 United States

Amplifying women's voices. Changing the conversation. Women’s Media Center strives to make women visible and powerful in the media. From our founding in 2005 by some of the best minds in the feminist movement and the media industry to our advocacy and media relations work today, we are part of a strong feminist tradition that seeks to hold the media accountable for presenting the world as we know it. Our mission is to assure that women and women’s experiences are reflected in the media just as women are present everywhere in the real world; that women are represented as local, national, and global sources for and subjects of the media; and that women media professionals have equal opportunities for employment and advancement.

International Association of Fire Fighters
1750 New York Ave NW Washington , DC 20006 United States

The IAFF is the driving force behind nearly every advance in the fire and emergency services in the 21st century. The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 300,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics who protect 85 percent of the nation’s population. More than 3,100 affiliates and their members protect communities the United States and Canada. The IAFF is also one of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington, DC. The IAFF Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is among the top 25 federal PACs among the more than 4,000 in the country. In addition to city and county fire fighters and emergency medical personnel, the IAFF represents state employees, federal workers and fire and emergency medical workers employed at certain industrial facilities.