Dakota Chiropractic - Dr. Sanjiv Badhan

at 1056 St. Mary's rd, Winnipeg , R2M 3S9

"The Best in Chiropractic care, we are here to serve your needs"

Dakota Chiropractic - Dr. Sanjiv Badhan
1056 St. Mary's rd
Winnipeg , MB R2M 3S9
Contact Phone
P: (204) 257-7685


Dr. Sanjiv Badhan, B.Sc., D.C. Dr. Badhan was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba where he completed his Bachelors of Science degree at the University of Winnipeg. After completing his undergraduate degree, Dr. Badhan furthered his education at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington, Minnesota where he received his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree with honours. Dr. Badhan takes a whole person approach in chiropractic care, which means looking for the underlying causes of disease, discomfort, and pain, as opposed to just treating the symptoms. He incorporates various techniques and treatment options that are specifically tailored to each individual's needs for optimal results. These include Chiropractic adjustments, physical modalities, soft-tissue therapy, rehabilitation, stretching and exercise, nutritional counselling, and ergonomic solutions. Dr. Badhan believes that chiropractic is not only used to treat pain and suffering but also as a way to help maintain your health. Dr. Badhan chose the chiropractic profession because he welcomes the challenge of diagnosis and the pleasure derived from helping patients achieve optimal health the most natural way. In his free time, Dr. Badhan enjoys walking, trying out new restaurants, gardening, going to the park, and cheering on the Winnipeg Jets! Call or e-mail for more info!

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