Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz

at Hiltropwall 4, Dortmund , 44137 Germany

Address and contacts of Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz

place map
Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz
Hiltropwall 4
Dortmund 44137
Contact Phone
P: +49 231 140077


Company Rating

202 Facebook users were in Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz. It's a 4 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Doctor category in Dortmund, Germany

32 FB users likes Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz, set it to 22 position in Likes Rating for Dortmund, Germany in Doctor category


Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz is Dortmund based place and this enity listed in Doctor category. Located at Hiltropwall 4 44137. Contact phone number of Dr. Med. B. Al-Bazaz: +49 231 140077

Doctor category, Dortmund

Radiologische Praxis Prof.Dr Uhlenbrock
Wilhelm-Schmidt-Straße 4 Dortmund 44263 Germany

Privatpraxis Dr. Stefan Dragulescu
Kirchhörder Str. 73a Dortmund 44229 Germany

Die Praxis

Kinderarzt Dr Schweizera
Krimstr. Dortmund 44145 Germany