Elevate Life Calgary

at 1804 - 1 Street NW, Calgary , T2M 2T2 Canada

Elevate Life specializes in Chiropractic care, Massage, Acupuncture and Laser Hair Removal

Address and contacts of Elevate Life Calgary

place map
Elevate Life Calgary
1804 - 1 Street NW
Calgary , AB T2M 2T2
Contact Phone
P: (403) 280-0945


Dr. Susanne Morris has been helping families achieve their health care goals since 1999. As the mother of two children, she has first hand appreciation for the importance of having all family members under chiropractic care. To that end, has become certified in Pediatrics and Webster In-Utero Contraint technique. Dr Morris was raised in Calgary, Alberta and received her Bachelor of Science from the University of Lethbridge. She pursued her lifelong dream to become a chiropractor at the University of Western States where she graduated Summa cum Laude. Dr. Morris continues to train in advanced Chiropractic techniques, including Activator methods, because she believes that there is always more to learn. “I believe that we live our lives through our nervous system, and my goal is to ensure that the nervous system is functioning at its maximum potential. When our nervous system is functioning well, we enhance our body’s ability to adapt to the stresses and changes that we face and this enables us to experience life to its fullest"

Opening time

  • Mondays: 10:00- 17:45
  • Wednesdays: 10:00- 17:45
  • Thursdays: 10:00- 18:45

Company Rating

96 FB users likes Elevate Life Calgary, set it to 85 position in Likes Rating for Calgary, Alberta in Doctor category


Elevate Life Calgary is Calgary based place and this enity listed in Chiropractor category. Located at 1804 - 1 Street NW AB T2M 2T2. Contact phone number of Elevate Life Calgary: (403) 280-0945

Doctor category, Calgary

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224- 30 Springborough Blvd SW Calgary , AB T3H 0N9 Canada

This is a public page for Springborough Endodontics for doctors to see our work, ask questions and interact with our office.

Dr. Julian Mendes
2711 Hochwald Court S.W. Calgary , AB null Canada

TBA Calgary , AB TBA Canada