Fenster 9

at Opernplatz, Kassel , 34117 Germany

Ein Treffpunkt der Kunsthochschule Kassel im Kultursommer 2017.

Address and contacts of Fenster 9

place map
Fenster 9
Kassel 34117
Contact Phone
P: ---


Ein Treffpunkt der Kunsthochschule Kassel im Kultursommer 2017.

Company Rating

79 Facebook users were in Fenster 9. It's a 16 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Arts/Entertainment/Nightlife category in Kassel, Germany

496 FB users likes Fenster 9, set it to 19 position in Likes Rating for Kassel, Germany in Arts/Entertainment/Nightlife category


Fenster 9 is Kassel based place and this enity listed in Arts & Entertainment category. Located at Opernplatz 34117.

Arts/Entertainment/Nightlife category, Kassel

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wir haben zun bitten -latino aerobic ,kubaniche salsa,jeden sanstag -Cuba Big Party,Ein mal in monat kinder party mit animacion ,kinder aerobic,spaniche kurss,domino treven und einen gute ambientacion und alles sin welkomen

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