ibis HOTEL , Hofaue 4 Wuppertal

at , Wuppertal , 42103 Germany

Address and contacts of ibis HOTEL , Hofaue 4 Wuppertal

place map
ibis HOTEL , Hofaue 4 Wuppertal

Wuppertal 42103
Contact Phone
P: ---


Company Rating

3 Facebook users were in ibis HOTEL , Hofaue 4 Wuppertal. It's a 59 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Hotel & Lodging category in Wuppertal, Germany


ibis HOTEL , Hofaue 4 Wuppertal is Wuppertal based place and this enity listed in Hotel category. 42103.

Hotel & Lodging category, Wuppertal

Hotel" Wunder
Wuppertal 42119 Germany

Unterkunft "vom RC-Drifter für RC-Drifter" ACHTUNG: Das ist kein echtes Hotel, diese Seite entstand nur aus Spass!

Tempel Lünenschloss
Schwelmer Straße Wuppertal null Germany

also-Hotel an der Hardt
Gronaustraße 31 Wuppertal 42285 Germany