Institutul Român / Biblioteca Română din Freiburg

at Uhlandstraße 7, Freiburg , 79102

Biblioteca Română se înfiripă la 1 mai 1949, dată la care Biblioteca a căpătat statutul juridic de Asociaţie.

Institutul Român / Biblioteca Română din Freiburg
Uhlandstraße 7
Freiburg 79102
Contact Phone
P: DE: 0049 (0)761 73551 - RO: 0040 (0)734 475 776


Website: http://www.rumä

Opening time

  • Mondays: 11:00- 13:00
  • Thursdays: 11:00- 13:00

General Info

Această pagină face parte din Proiectul „Comori ascunse la Biblioteca Română din Freiburg”. Coordonator proiect: dr. Mihaela Toader Comunicare și PR: Alexandru Dumitru Filimon Grafică: George Ștefan Năzăreanu Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Ministerul Afacerilor Externe – Departamentul Politici pentru Relaţia cu Românii de Pretutindeni. Benefiaciarul acestui proiect este Institutul Român/Biblioteca Română din Freiburg, Germania. Programul de finanţare din care face parte proiectul: „Constantin Brâncuși” – Cultură. Conținutul acestui site nu reprezintă poziția oficială a Departamentului Politici pentru Relația cu Românii de Pretutindeni.

Company Rating

22 Facebook users were in Institutul Român / Biblioteca Română din Freiburg. It's a 7 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Organization category in Freiburg, Germany

295 FB users likes Institutul Român / Biblioteca Română din Freiburg, set it to 11 position in Likes Rating for Freiburg, Germany companies in Organization category

Organization category, Freiburg, Germany

KH - Katholische Hochschule Freiburg
Karlstr. 63 Freiburg 79104 Germany

Hier findet Ihr Informationen und Veranstaltungstipps rund um das Campusleben vom Team der Hochschulkommunikation der KH Freiburg

Freiburg null Germany

The Muettersproch-Gsellschaft is a society established in 1967 whose goal it is to preserve and foster the Alemannic dialects. It currently has over 3,500 members from all Alemannic speaking areas, i.e. Elsass, Switzerland and Vorarlberg, but especially from South Baden. There are also members from all over Europe and the Americas. Most Alemannic authors, poets and singer-songwriters in South Baden are members of the society.OrganizationMembershipThe society was founded in 1966 in Freiburg im Breisgau. It has over 3,500 members, the vast majority of whom are German-Alemannic bilinguals from the region covered by the former state of South Baden. They engage in exchanging their cultural heritage with the other Alemannic-speaking regions in Alsace, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg and Colonia Tovar. With time, some Alemanni (German: Alemannen) dispersed across Europe and overseas and many of these are also members of the Muettersproch-Gsellschaft. The membership further comprises many Alemannic authors and songwriters. The society's membership grew steadily from 350 in 1975 to 1,000 in 1977 and so on.

Freiburger Stammzellspende
Freiburg 79106 Germany

Wo? Mensa Rempartstraße Wann? 10.12 von 11-14 Uhr und 17-19 Uhr 11.12 von 11-14 Uhr

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