Lipsia, Germania.

at , Leipzig , 99099 Germany

Address and contacts of Lipsia, Germania.

place map
Lipsia, Germania.

Leipzig 99099
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P: ---



Price category

Company Rating

934 Facebook users were in Lipsia, Germania.. It's a 33 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Hotel & Lodging category in Leipzig, Germany

42 FB users likes Lipsia, Germania., set it to 94 position in Likes Rating for Leipzig, Germany in Hotel & Lodging category


Lipsia, Germania. is Leipzig based place and this enity listed in Hotel category. 99099.

Hotel & Lodging category, Leipzig

Motel One Leipzig-Nikolaikirche
Nikolaistr. 23 Leipzig 04109 Germany

Die angesagte Budget Design Hotel-Kette Motel One von Hamburg bis Wien „viel Design für wenig Geld“. Mehr zu unseren Hotels auch auf:

Pension Bonifatia
Lutherstraße 10 - 12 Leipzig 04315 Germany

Gästehaus Thilia, Inhaberin: Birgit Schbüll-Bartuschka
Wielandstrasse 9 Leipzig 04177 Leipzig Germany

Inhabergeführtes Gästehaus in einem der typischen Gründerzeithäuser des Leipziger Westens.