Matthew Davenport Fitness

at Mobile, Chicago , 60619 United States

Take your body to the next level by training with a personal fitness pro. Don't cheat yourself, treat yourself.

Address and contacts of Matthew Davenport Fitness

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Matthew Davenport Fitness
Chicago , IL 60619
United States
Contact Phone
P: (773) 837-7342


Hello, my name is Matthew Davenport. I have always been interested in fitness and wellness. I was a varsity athlete in both basketball and track. While obtaining my Bachelors in Psychology from UIC, I became interested in sports performance training, weight loss, and nutrition. Upon graduation from UIC in 2007, I decided to explore my passion for circuit training and yoga. I worked full-time in academic research for the next five years, but I became very passionate about fitness, wellness, and nutrition. I found an apprenticeship at a great fitness studio and became a certified personal trainer while working at my local yoga studio. I have been creating customized workouts, teaching group fitness classes, and leading yoga lessons since 2010. I specialize in weight loss, fat burning, toning, core strengthening, assisted stretching, and massage therapy. I offer a free introductory consultation which includes a fitness assessment and body profile analysis. I work from the east and west campus UIC recreational center facilities. Each location has parking available. I offer personal training sessions starting at $40. My 60-minute consultations consist of a warm-up, customized circuit, and cool down. I encourage clients to get a friend to workout with them. This way there is someone else close to you helping you to stay motivated. For $50 you and your partner can workout together and see results together. For a more personal fitness experience, clients can also schedule an in-home or an on-premise corporate consultation. You don't have to sign any contracts or buy any packages with me. Your first consultation is free, and then $100 will get you started on a personal fitness program. My $100 new-client special rate gets you four consultations for the low rate of $25/session. You can then continue training with me after completing your 4 new-client rate sessions. In-home sessions are a flat rate of $50/hr. and can include yourself and a guest, so call some friends and get in shape together for the new year. All of my clients must sign a waiver of liability for injury. My custom fitness programs are custom designed for each client. I bring all of the equipment to the location. Many of my clients enjoy burning calories in my boxing and cardio kickboxing circuits. Quick ladder drills are a great way to improve agility and work up a great sweat in any amount of space. Ever wanted to try training with a TRX suspension trainer? There's no limit to the type of body you have by next summer when you have a dedicated trainer to help you manage your fitness and nutrition. Contact me to schedule a free fitness consultation, and get ready to change your life. I have been a passionate and dedicated student of yoga since 2007. My Level 1: Yoga Flow class is great for students new to yoga, or to those just looking to get back to the basics. No headstands, no arm balances, no expectations and no drama. Just breathing and flowing through a series of fundamental asanas that will strengthen your core and increase your flexibility, while leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. My Level 2: Yoga Sculpt class will take your practice to the next level by incorporating hand weights into your practice. Be prepared to sweat and to burn some body fat. I also offer massage therapy for select clients. These premium sessions are 60 - 90 minutes and are customized to client request.


Price category
$$$$ (50+)

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6 FB users likes Matthew Davenport Fitness, set it to 41 position in Likes Rating for Chicago, Illinois in Sports & Recreation category


Matthew Davenport Fitness is Chicago based place and this enity listed in Massage category. Located at Mobile IL 60619. Contact phone number of Matthew Davenport Fitness: (773) 837-7342

Sports & Recreation category, Chicago

2310 E 75th St Chicago , IL 60649 United States

Mission Statement: 360.Mind.Body.Soul's purpose is to change the way people think and feel about fitness, their bodies, themselves and their world. We do this by educating motivating and supporting a balanced lifestyle. We help you make a UTurn!

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