Wimpernstudio Chemnitz

Wimpernverlängerung & Verdichtung Wimpernwelle

Address and contacts of Wimpernstudio Chemnitz

place map
Wimpernstudio Chemnitz

Contact Phone
P: 0157 - 3773 8766


Wimpernverlängerung & Verdichtung Wimpernwelle Haarentfernung Beauty&Wellness Nagelmodellage Augenbrauen zupfen & färben WImpern färben Ohrloch stechen

Company Rating

35 Facebook users were in Wimpernstudio Chemnitz. It's a 3 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Health/Beauty category in Chemnitz, Germany

416 FB users likes Wimpernstudio Chemnitz, set it to 7 position in Likes Rating for Chemnitz, Germany in Health/Beauty category


Wimpernstudio Chemnitz is Chemnitz based place and this enity listed in Contractor category. Contact phone number of Wimpernstudio Chemnitz: 0157 - 3773 8766

Health/Beauty category, Chemnitz

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Erich-Mühsam-Straße 18 Chemnitz 09112 Germany

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