Owls Head Baptist Church

Shopping in Rockland, ME

Address and contacts of Owls Head Baptist Church

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Owls Head Baptist Church

Rockland , ME 04858
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Owls Head Baptist Church is Rockland based place and this enity listed in Produce Market category. 04858.

Shopping category, Rockland United States

Frankie's Garage
50 Weskeg Rd Rockland , ME 04854-3418 null

Shopping in Rockland, ME

hello hello books
316 Main Street Rockland , ME 04841 null

hello hello books features a healthy mix of used, new and bargain books, as well as a selection of hard-to-find magazines, art & craft, gifts and (from time to time) select vintage items. OUR MISSION: To maintain an active and vocal enthusiasm for books and print culture; to help keep that culture vital and thriving; to encourage the ongoing appreciation of printed materials in an age of overdigitalization; to provide a source for creative and handmade products, and to do all of this with an independent spirit. Established in 2011, hello hello has deep and fabled roots: it began in 1992 as Second Read (later renamed Rock City), a business that was integral to Rockland's renaissance. In the spring of 2011, Lacy Simons (then manager of the bookstore) purchased the bookstore piece of Rock City's business and transformed it into hello hello books. Along the way, Lacy and Susanne Ward (Rock City's owner) decided to move out of the old Rock City location into a newly refurbished space just next door, so they could remain adjacent to each other & enjoy some of the synchronicity that was an important piece of Second Read's beginnings while moving forward into a bold new future! Thus hello hello books can be found toward the back of Rock City Cafe, or via the side doors on Orient Street. For information on our Trade Credit for used books system, please read our brochure!

Crockett Painting
62 Warren St Rockland , ME 04841 null

Shopping in Rockland, ME