Palestine Advocacy Project

at , Cambridge , 02139 United States

Palestine Advocacy Project is nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting freedom, justice and equality in Palestine/Israel.

Address and contacts of Palestine Advocacy Project

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Palestine Advocacy Project

Cambridge , MA 02139
United States
Contact Phone
P: (617) 977-4803


Palestine Advocacy Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting freedom, justice and equality in Palestine/Israel. Our public media and education campaigns expose Americans to the Palestinian experience and advocate for the end of Israeli apartheid. We oppose Israeli human rights violations in Palestinian territory and in Israel itself based on racial, religious and ethnic differences, in violation of international law. Our advisory board is made up of established members of the struggle for Palestinian human rights. They include: - Sami Awad, Holy Land Trust, Palestine - Diana Buttu, International Human Rights Lawyer - Elaine Hagopian, nationally renown activist and scholar and Professor Emerita at Simmons College - Nancy Murray, Gaza Mental Health Foundation - Mazin Qumsiyeh, Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities - Pam Rogers, Jewish Voice for Peace


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Palestine Advocacy Project is Cambridge based place and this enity listed in Non-Profit Organization category. 02139. Contact phone number of Palestine Advocacy Project: (617) 977-4803

Non-profit organization category, Cambridge

Black Cat Rescue
Boston , MA 02143 United States

Boston No Kill cat rescue organization. Did you know that black cats are only half as likely to get adopted as cats of other colors?

Birthday Wishes
PO Box 590645 Newton Center , MA 02459 United States

Bringing Birthday Parties to Homeless Children. Birthday Wishes is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID: 55-0856553 Birthday Wishes was founded in November 2002 by Lisa Vasiloff, Karen Yahara, and Carol Zwanger – three friends and colleagues who wanted to help homeless children build self-esteem. Having volunteered in several homeless shelters, it occurred to the trio - as they attended one of their own children’s birthday parties - that at the shelters, children’s birthdays often came and went uncelebrated. Their subsequent research indicated that no organizations existed exclusively to provide birthday parties to children living in homeless shelters. After speaking with local shelters and state advocacy groups, they found that most homeless shelters do not have the personnel or resources necessary to hold birthday parties for the children who stay there. Furthermore, the parent is often unable, both economically and emotionally, to organize a party for her child. Some parents, embarrassed that they don’t have money for cakes and presents, don’t even tell their children that they have a birthday. For homeless children, birthday parties are a luxury that neither the parent nor the shelter can afford. Yet a birthday is an important event in the life of a child, and Birthday Wishes was founded on the belief that every child, regardless of their living situation, should have their birthday recognized and celebrated. Birthday Wishes has found that something as simple and ‘normal’ as a birthday party has the power to make these children feel both special, and, perhaps more important, like a “regular kid”. The first parties were held at the Second Step shelter in Newton, MA. Within a few months, 8 more shelters were added, and within three years growth had doubled. Today serves more than 200 shelters and transitional living facilities in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Long Island, New York. Our goal is to provide birthday parties to all homeless children in Massachusetts and to make our model available to homeless family programs nationwide.

Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing - WIEGO
79 JFK St Cambridge , MA 02138 United States

Economic empowerment of the working poor, especially women, in the informal economy is central to WIEGO’s mission. WIEGO's network consists of organizations of informal workers, individual researchers and development professionals engaged in or concerned with informal employment. We seek to improve the status of the working poor, especially women, in the informal economy by: - helping to strengthen their membership-based organizations and networks - highlighting the size, composition, characteristics, and contribution of the informal economy through improved statistics and research - promoting equitable working conditions and inclusive global trade, social protection, and urban planning policies - promoting processes and policy dialogues with decision makers that include informal workers Find out more about WIEGO’s global action-research-policy network and the informal economy at