at Mobile Pizzeria, Leipzig , 04229 Germany

PEKAR is a mobile pizzeria established in 2014. PEKAR is collaborating with the urban farm ANNALINDE using seasonal & local ingredients.

Address and contacts of PEKAR

place map
Mobile Pizzeria
Leipzig 04229
Contact Phone
P: ---


PEKAR is making regional, seasonal and ecological food. In cooperation with regional producers we try to bring back the awareness of how food is getting produced and prepared. For this we use an italian wood-fired oven on wheels! 400°C to serve you finest pizza. This year arround Leipzig from april to december. Stay tuned -


Services PEKAR provides
PEKAR specialties

Company Rating

231 FB users likes PEKAR, set it to 86 position in Likes Rating for Leipzig, Germany in Restaurant & Cafe category


PEKAR is Leipzig based place and this enity listed in Restaurant category. Located at Mobile Pizzeria 04229.

Restaurant & Cafe category, Leipzig

Kurt-Günther-Str. 3 Leipzig 04317 Germany

Amar - Restaurant | Café | Cocktailbar Kurt-Günther-Straße 3 04317 Leipzig

Puro 5
Thomasgasse 2-4 Leipzig 04109 Germany

P5 ist die Verbindung von fünf gastronomischen Konzepten: Etagerenfrühstück, Mittagsangebot, Eis,Café & Kuchen, abends Restaurant u. nachts Cocktailbar.

Restaurant Schiller
Schillerstraße 3 Leipzig 04109 Germany

Das Schiller begrüßt seine Gäste mitten in der Innenstadt von Leipzig und steht für gehobene Gastlichkeit.