Positive Directions, Inc.

at 414 S Commerce St, Wichita , 67202

Positive Directions provides the Wichita community with HIV/AIDS care and prevention resources including education and free rapid HIV testing.

Positive Directions, Inc.
414 S Commerce St
Wichita , KS 67202
United States
Contact Phone
P: (316) 263-2214


Positive Directions, Inc. (PDI) started its journey in 1991 as Care Coordination Team. PDI received its 501c3 determination in May of 1999. On November 10, 2001, we celebrated 10 years of providing services and education in the Wichita area and officially changed our name. PDI provides community, action, resources, education and support for those who have HIV infection and their loved ones. PDI also educates people about behaviors that put them at risk for HIV infection. Currently PDI offers social support through our volunteers who assist with the grocery center food program. Bus passes are provided for clients needing additional transportation. Every holiday season, PDI hands out 225 Thanskgiving and holiday boxes with various items. On January 5, 1998, the CCT began Daily Bread (DB), home meal delivery. Most clients received the evening hot meal delivery, with some receiving an additional box lunch. Our goal is to provide good nutrition and increase or maintain a client’s health. November 2000, we opened a grocery center that has become our most popular service. Clients can come in weekly to obtain groceries. Upon arrival, they receive a list and are able to select food they want. In addition to dry and canned goods we offer milk as well as various frozen meats. All services are provided free of charge. In February of 2003, PDI worked with the state of Kansas to pick up both prevention and case management services that ended when the previous contractor closed their doors. These additional contracts doubled our staff and budget and PDI has been able to make the transition smoothly without interruption of services. Our 2.5 case managers have a total of 200 active clients. PDI has 4 housing opportunities available to clients. PDI provides assistance helping get clients into Section 8 housing, Shelter Plus Care, Kansas Care Through Housing (HOPWA) and KC Estates. Although required to provide client assistance and case management for all of these programs, PDI does not receive funding from any of them. We provide education to various groups including congregations, substance abuse groups and prisons. We also provide condom distribution to 10 African American hair salons and 7 gay/lesbian clubs. HIV/AIDS classes are offered to anyone the Wichita Judicial system requires including women arrested for prostitution, men arrested for solicitation or arrested in the adult bookstores and public parks. Take It Home is our HIV/AIDS park outreach where individuals in the public parks that are known for MSM activity, are handed safer-sex kits and educational material. “Prior to release” class is for inmates provided in 7 state prisons. Upon release all inmates will receive a packet of HIV/AIDS information, condoms and lube. PDI runs the state HIV/AIDS Hotline.

Opening time

  • Mondays: 09:00- 17:00
  • Tuesdays: 09:00- 17:00
  • Wednesdays: 09:00- 17:00
  • Thursdays: 09:00- 17:00
  • Fridays: 09:00- 17:00


Price category
$ (0-10)

Company Rating

254 Facebook users were in Positive Directions, Inc.. It's a 14 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Non-profit organization category in Wichita, Kansas

1177 FB users likes Positive Directions, Inc., set it to 33 position in Likes Rating for Wichita, Kansas companies in Non-profit organization category

Non-profit organization category, Wichita, Kansas

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A Spark Giver is a person always ready to give a compliment or an act of kindness. They are can-do people, there to cheer you on. www.1spark.net If you are looking for a test to determine if your mission on this earth is complete, here It Is... If you are alive, it is not complete. So push on and remember that the best life lived is a life that was lived serving others! -David L. Hill We are a 501 C3 Not for profit

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