Quattro Lounge

at Wilhelmstrasse 163, Berlin , 13581 Germany

Shisha Lounge mit Dance-Bar,

Address and contacts of Quattro Lounge

place map
Quattro Lounge
Wilhelmstrasse 163
Berlin 13581
Contact Phone
P: 01775033210

Company Rating

37 Facebook users were in Quattro Lounge. It's a 200 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Bar category in Berlin, Germany

237 FB users likes Quattro Lounge, set it to 177 position in Likes Rating for Berlin, Germany in Bar category


Quattro Lounge is Berlin based place and this enity listed in Pub category. Located at Wilhelmstrasse 163 13581. Contact phone number of Quattro Lounge: 01775033210

Bar category, Berlin

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