SAFORE - French school in Lyon

at 12 rue Baraban, Lyon , 69006

Vous êtes étudiant étranger et désirez améliorer votre expression en français, passer les examens DELF ou DALF ?Vous êtes salarié et souhaitez faire une remise à niveau en orthographe/grammaire, apprendre une langue étrangère ? NOUS SOMME

SAFORE - French school in Lyon
12 rue Baraban
Lyon 69006
Contact Phone


Founded in 1991 in Lyon , a listed UNESCO World Heritage site, SAFORE is a private French school which provides a wide range of French language courses and also prepares for French international exams DELF and DALF. All courses are adapted and tailored to the needs of each learner.

How To Get to SAFORE - French school in Lyon

métro Charpennes bus C1 - arrêt Alsace bus 34 - arrêt Viabert Anatole France

Company Rating

12 Facebook users were in SAFORE - French school in Lyon. It's a 47 position in Popularity Rating for companies in School category in Lyon, France

53 FB users likes SAFORE - French school in Lyon, set it to 88 position in Likes Rating for Lyon, France companies in School category

School category, Lyon, France

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Apprendre l'arabe littéraire à vos enfants, des outils et des graphismes rien que pour eux

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