Sandra hoquet

Je m'apelle sandra , j'ai 8 ans d'experience dans le domaine! Je fait des chats et des chiens de tout les races et une specialité dans les coupe au ciseaux

Address and contacts of Sandra hoquet

place map
Sandra hoquet

Quebec , QC
Contact Phone
P: 418-440-8056

Company Rating

2 FB users likes Sandra hoquet, set it to 17 position in Likes Rating for Quebec, Quebec in Pet Service category


Sandra hoquet is Quebec based place and this enity listed in Pet Groomer category. Contact phone number of Sandra hoquet: 418-440-8056

Pet Service category, Quebec

MAG Animo
beauport Quebec , QC null Canada

Gardiennage d'animaux de compagnie à domicile des clients

First Farms Canadian Horses
470 Rang St Louis g0x3j0

First Farms

Animalerie Daniella
2300quebec canada Quebec , QC 2300 Canada

we are there to buy and sell , give up to adoption, all pets tha we get.