Summer Foundation

at PO Box 22138, Almere-Stad , 1302 CC

The Summer Foundation strives for a society in which each individual can develop in freedom; has an equal opportunity to think, speak and decide and, in a spirit of solidarity, receives and contributes his fair share of what mankind and the earth produce.

Summer Foundation
PO Box 22138
Almere-Stad 1302 CC
Contact Phone
P: +31 – (0)85 – 273 5947


Campaigning for a free, equal and solidary society.

General Info

The Summer Foundation believes that for each human being, as well as for society as a whole, it is vital to fully develop the qualities and capacities that live inside of him. To achieve this, freedom is indispensable. Every human being wants to have a say on important matters. This means that he should be able to participate actively and equally in creating the agreements, laws and rules that apply to the larger and smaller communities he forms part of. Due to the fact that mankind exists, he has a right to a fair share of all the fruits produced by earth and mankind. At the same time we can ask every human being for a personal contribution to the economic activity, provided he is able to do so.

Company Rating

214 FB users likes Summer Foundation, set it to 28 position in Likes Rating for Almere companies in Non-profit organization category

Non-profit organization category, Almere

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Marktmeesterstraat 18 Almere-Stad 1315GE Netherlands

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Leeuwardenplein 25 Almere-Stad 1324 BH Almere Netherlands

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De Steiger 122 Almere-Haven 1351 AL Netherlands

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Non-profit organization in Almere
Companies in Almere
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