Sweet - The Bake Shop

at , Richmond , 23228

Sweet! is a home bake shop in Richmond, Virginia that specializes in custom made cakes.

Sweet - The Bake Shop

Richmond , VA 23228
United States
Contact Phone
P: (804) 399-5464


• What began as a whim to make a fun birthday cake for my son in 2007 turned into much more than I ever expected. My two year-old loved owls at the time so I baked a handful of cakes, carved them into the shape of an owl, decorated them…and I was hooked. I never knew I would like it so much! Ever since then, it has been my delight to make cakes for family and friends. Sweet! began in 2015 as a way to take my baking to a new level and have a creative outlet on the side (I’m otherwise a stay-at-home mom). It would be my pleasure to make a cake for you!


Price category
$$ (10-30)

Company Rating

153 FB users likes Sweet - The Bake Shop, set it to 20 position in Likes Rating for Richmond, Virginia companies in Food & Beverage category

Food & Beverage category, Richmond, Virginia

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