Trattoria Lo-Zibellino

at Blücherstraße 53, Düsseldorf , 40477 Germany

Typisch Neapolitanische Küche im Herzen Düsseldorfs

Address and contacts of Trattoria Lo-Zibellino

place map
Trattoria Lo-Zibellino
Blücherstraße 53
Düsseldorf 40477
Contact Phone
P: 0211 484404

Company Rating

22 Facebook users were in Trattoria Lo-Zibellino. It's a 110 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Restaurant & Cafe category in Düsseldorf, Germany

47 FB users likes Trattoria Lo-Zibellino, set it to 132 position in Likes Rating for Düsseldorf, Germany in Restaurant & Cafe category


Trattoria Lo-Zibellino is Düsseldorf based place and this enity listed in Italian Restaurant category. Located at Blücherstraße 53 40477. Contact phone number of Trattoria Lo-Zibellino: 0211 484404

Restaurant & Cafe category, Düsseldorf

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