Bistro At Antler Village

at 1 Approach Rd, Asheville

Food & Drink in Asheville, NC

Address and contacts of Bistro At Antler Village

place map
Bistro At Antler Village
1 Approach Rd
Asheville , NC 28803
Contact Phone
P: (828) 225-6230

Company Rating


Bistro At Antler Village is Asheville based place and this enity listed in American Food category. Located at 1 Approach Rd NC 28803. Contact phone number of Bistro At Antler Village: (828) 225-6230

Food & Drink category, Asheville United States

Lexington Avenue Brewery
39 N Lexington Ave, Asheville, NC 28801 Asheville , NC 28801 null


Dobra Tea
78 N Lexington Avenue Asheville , NC 28801 null

Food & Drink in Asheville, NC

Lexington Avenue Brew
39 N. Lexington Ave Asheville , NC 28801 null

Each of LAB's beers are crafted onsite in 15 barrel brewhouse. Ingredients for each beer are regionally sourced based upon style. For example, if we are brewing a German style beer, our grain and hops come from Germany. As the craft beer industry grows the industry for pre-beer production, such as maltsters and hop farmers, are growing as well. This means more ingredients are being produced locally. We try to source as often as possible for our American style brews. On the flip-side, we try to give back to local businesses as well. After we are finished mashing our malt, our local LAB farmer uses the spent grain to feed our cattle, which in turn becomes our Ribeye, NY Strip, Filet, French Dip, etc. that we serve in the restaurant. Brewing is a labor of love. The subtleties of each recipe we formulate are a reflection of our obsession. Long-term projects captivate us. As we plant the seed for each brew, we watch it grow into itself to take on its own persona and eventually transcend speech to mingle with your taste buds, putting a stamp on time and place that will forever stick with you.