
at Am Markt 20, Bremen , 28195 Germany

Europa in Bremen? Im EuropaPunktBremen finden Sie Antworten: Europe Direct Bremen EDIC

Address and contacts of EuropaPunktBremen

place map
Am Markt 20
Bremen 28195
Contact Phone
P: +49 (421) 361-83375


What is the EuropaPunktBremen? It is one of the more than 500 Europe Direct Information Centres (EDIC) existing in all 28 Member States of the European Union. In Bremen its name is "EuropaPunktBremen" and aims to familiarise the citizens with the European Union (EU). It is run by the "Plenipotentiary of the Land Bremen to the Federal Republic and Europe, State Secretary Ulrike Hiller" (the official representative of the government of the Land Bremen). It gets financial and logistical support by the European Commission. The EU is far away? No, it is more part of our daily life than you would thnk. The distance between the EU-Institutions and the citizens has to become smaller - that's why the European Commission and the European Parliament established the EDIC network to represent Europe not just in Brussels or Strasbourg – but also regionally, as i.e. in Bremen. The EU influences our lives every day, even though this is not always obvious. Get information about the EU in Bremen and Germany; Get information how citizens can commit to the European project and how regions can influence European politics! We offer a lot of German publications about EU-politics and processes - but also a small number of brochures in English as well. If you are looking for very specific information, we will help you to get the necessary information on-line or in print. Our staff is glad to help you with any of your questions! Don't hesitate to visit us with any questions you may have - and if the right person is present even in English, French, Dutch or Spanish! We are open from Mondays through Fridays, 12:00 – 17:00. You find us in the city centre of Bremen in the Parliament Building - just across the street from the historic town-hall. Or give us a call at (0421) 361-83375. Looking forward to hearing from you! Sie suchen einen Ort, an dem Sie Europa in Bremen erleben können? Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, den EuropaPunktBremen im Erdgeschoss der Bremischen Bürgerschaft zu besuchen. Hier erhalten Sie nicht nur Informationsmaterialien, hier können Sie sich austauschen und das umfangreiche Veranstaltungsprogramm besuchen. Sie kommen aus Bremerhaven und Umgebung? Auch dort finden Sie Europa. Unser EuropaPünktchen in der VHS-Bremerhaven [Lloydstraße 15 ; 27568 Bremerhaven] bietet Ihnen vielfältige Themenhefte für Jung und Alt. What is the EuropaPunktBremen? It is one of the more than 500 Europe Direct Information Centres (EDIC) existing in all 28 Member States of the European Union. In Bremen its name is "EuropaPunktBremen" and aims to familiarise the citizens with the European Union (EU). It is run by the "Plenipotentiary of the Land Bremen to the Federal Republic and Europe, State Secretary Ulrike Hiller" (the official representative of the government of the Land Bremen). It gets financial and logistical support by the European Commission. The EU is far away? No, it is more part of our daily life than you would thnk. The distance between the EU-Institutions and the citizens has to become smaller - that's why the European Commission and the European Parliament established the EDIC network to represent Europe not just in Brussels or Strasbourg – but also regionally, as i.e. in Bremen. The EU influences our lives every day, even though this is not always obvious. Get information about the EU in Bremen and Germany; Get information how citizens can commit to the European project and how regions can influence European politics! We offer a lot of German publications about EU-politics and processes - but also a small number of brochures in English as well. If you are looking for very specific information, we will help you to get the necessary information on-line or in print. Our staff is glad to help you with any of your questions! Don't hesitate to visit us with any questions you may have - and if the right person is present even in English, French, Dutch or Spanish! We are open from Mondays through Fridays, 12:00 – 17:00. You find us in the city centre of Bremen in the Parliament Building - just across the street from the historic town-hall. Or give us a call at (0421) 361-83375. Looking forward to hearing from you!

How To Get to EuropaPunktBremen

Sie erreichen uns mit den Buslinien 24 und 25 und den Bahnlinien 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 und 8 der BSAG bis zur Haltestelle Domsheide. Von dort ist es nur noch ein Fußweg von einer Minute in Richtung Innenstadt. Autos parken geht in der Violenstr.

Opening time

  • Mondays: 12:00- 17:00
  • Tuesdays: 12:00- 17:00
  • Wednesdays: 12:00- 17:00
  • Thursdays: 12:00- 17:00
  • Fridays: 12:00- 17:00


Price category
$ (0-10)

General Info

Immer auf dem Laufenden, folgen Sie uns auf Twitter! Twitter: @EPBremen

Company Rating

149 Facebook users were in EuropaPunktBremen. It's a 1 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Community & Government category in Bremen, Germany

565 FB users likes EuropaPunktBremen, set it to 1 position in Likes Rating for Bremen, Germany in Community & Government category


EuropaPunktBremen is Bremen based place and this enity listed in Government Organization category. Located at Am Markt 20 28195. Contact phone number of EuropaPunktBremen: +49 (421) 361-83375

Community & Government category, Bremen

SPD-Abgeordnetengemeinschaft Bremen-Stadt
Obernstraße 39-43 Bremen 28195 Germany

In der SPD-Abgeordnetengemeinschaft Bremen-Stadt haben sich 26 Mitglieder der Bremischen Bürgerschaft zusammengeschlossen (ohne Bremen-Nord). Ihre Mitarbeiter organisieren die Aktivitäten der Abgeordneten in den Bremer Stadtteilen und kümmern sich um die Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.

Am Markt 20 Bremen 28195 Germany

Europa in Bremen? Im EuropaPunktBremen finden Sie Antworten: Europe Direct Bremen EDIC