Madonna Proactive Health & Fitness

at 7111 Stephanie Ln, Lincoln

Services in Lincoln, NE

Address and contacts of Madonna Proactive Health & Fitness

place map
Madonna Proactive Health & Fitness
7111 Stephanie Ln
Lincoln , NE 68516
Contact Phone
P: (402) 420-0000

Company Rating


Madonna Proactive Health & Fitness is Lincoln based place and this enity listed in Gym category. Located at 7111 Stephanie Ln NE 68516. Contact phone number of Madonna Proactive Health & Fitness: (402) 420-0000

Services category, Lincoln

Madonna Proactive Health & Fitness
7111 Stephanie Ln Lincoln , NE 68516 null

Services in Lincoln, NE

Hobo Railroad
64 Railroad St Lincoln , NH 03251 null

Services in Lincoln, NH

Nebraska State Penitentiary
4201 S 14th St Lincoln , NE 68502 null

The Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP) is a state correctional facility for the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. Located in Lincoln, it is the oldest state correctional facility in Nebraska, opening in 1869. Until after World War I, it was the only adult correctional facility in the state. During 1980-1981, the existing cellblocks constructed during the second half of the 19th century were replaced by four (later five) modular housing units. A new administrative complex and an EPA-approved multi-fuel power plant were also completed at the same time. An existing dormitory building constructed in the 1950s was retained as a medium security facility and two new 100 bed dormitory units were opened in 1998. A thirty-six bed control unit also built in the 1950s continues in use as a high security segregation facility. The Industries Plant, Laundry and other support buildings were retained from the older facility as well. The inmate population at the NSP typically consists of offenders aged 21 years and above, serving medium to longer sentences. The Nebraska State Penitentiary uses the Unit Management concept designed to improve control and staff/inmate relationships by dividing the larger institution population into smaller, more manageable groups and to improve and personalize the delivery of rehabilitative services. The NSP has been accredited by the American Correctional Association since 1985. The NSP offers a variety of education/rehabilitation programs designed to enhance an inmate's chances for successful community adjustment upon release. These include Educational/Life Skills and Vocational Programs, Self-Improvement (Mental Health and Control Unit Program), (Residential and Non-residential Substance Abuse Treatment), Residential Treatment Community (RTC), Religious Programming and Self-Betterment Activities), and Support Services The NSP is the site of major components of the Agency's Cornhusker State Industries (CSI) program. Security Levels: Maximum, Medium and Minimum Custody. Average Population: 1091 Number of Staff: 465 Cost per Inmate per Year: $27,834