RAFI Transporte e Logistica

at BR 135 Km 12 posto Magnolinha, São Luís , 65092 698 Brazil

A RAFI Transporte e Logistica

Address and contacts of RAFI Transporte e Logistica

place map
RAFI Transporte e Logistica
BR 135 Km 12 posto Magnolinha
São Luís 65092 698
Contact Phone
P: ---

Company Rating

15 Facebook users were in RAFI Transporte e Logistica. It's a 1 position in Popularity Rating for companies in Transport/freight category in São Luís, Brazil

22 FB users likes RAFI Transporte e Logistica, set it to 1 position in Likes Rating for São Luís, Brazil in Transport/freight category


RAFI Transporte e Logistica is São Luís based place and this enity listed in Transport/Freight category. Located at BR 135 Km 12 posto Magnolinha 65092 698.

Transport/freight category, São Luís

RAFI Transporte e Logistica
BR 135 Km 12 posto Magnolinha São Luís 65092 698 Brazil

A RAFI Transporte e Logistica