San Juan Bautista Preschool

at 425 S Duke St, Lancaster , 17602 United States

Bi-lingual Catholic Faith Based Preschool

Address and contacts of San Juan Bautista Preschool

place map
San Juan Bautista Preschool
425 S Duke St
Lancaster , PA 17602
United States
Contact Phone
P: (717) 283-0270


The early years of a child’s life are an especially exciting time when they learn through play, observation and imitation. We recognize children are active learners and so we rely on hands-on experiences to bring our curriculum to life. San Juan Bautista Preschool follows the curriculum set forth by the Diocese of Harrisburg in conjunction with the Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Activities are student–oriented and selected, while teacher–guided and directed. An integrated thematic approach will be implemented using learning centers as the avenues for exploration and discovery. Learning centers include art, blocks, dramatic play, literacy, math, music, religion, and science interest areas. Our program is designed to provide opportunities for expanding social, cognitive, emotional, and physical skills while challenging each child to cultivate a sense of self-control, positive self-esteem and self-reliance. The religion curriculum is of primary importance and permeates the day. All children are expected to participate in all aspects of the religion program.

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San Juan Bautista Preschool is Lancaster based place and this enity listed in School category. Located at 425 S Duke St PA 17602. Contact phone number of San Juan Bautista Preschool: (717) 283-0270

Preschool category, Lancaster

San Juan Bautista Preschool
425 S Duke St Lancaster , PA 17602 United States

Bi-lingual Catholic Faith Based Preschool