Susanna Eger Schule

at An der Querbreite 6, Leipzig , 04129 Germany

Berufliches Schulzentrum der Stadt Leipzig

Address and contacts of Susanna Eger Schule

place map
Susanna Eger Schule
An der Querbreite 6
Leipzig 04129
Contact Phone
P: (0341) 90 99 75 0


Berufliches Schulzentrum der Stadt Leipzig Schule für das Gastgewerbe, Backhandwerk, Berufsvorbereitung, Hotelfachschule, Berufliches Gymnasium (BGY)

Company Rating

47 Facebook users were in Susanna Eger Schule. It's a 26 position in Popularity Rating for companies in School category in Leipzig, Germany

66 FB users likes Susanna Eger Schule, set it to 57 position in Likes Rating for Leipzig, Germany in School category


Susanna Eger Schule is Leipzig based place and this enity listed in School category. Located at An der Querbreite 6 04129. Contact phone number of Susanna Eger Schule: (0341) 90 99 75 0

School category, Leipzig

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Erich-Zeigner-Allee 45 Leipzig 04229 Germany

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Haferkornstraße 7-9 Leipzig 04129 Germany

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