University of Washington

at , Seattle , 98105 United States

Do you dare to Be Boundless? At the University of Washington, you can.

Address and contacts of University of Washington

place map
University of Washington

Seattle , WA 98105
United States
Contact Phone
P: (206) 543-2100


The UW is a leading research university with three campuses, a world-class academic medical center and extensive continuing education programs. The students, faculty and researchers who come here are driven to turn ideas into actions. They transform our world each and every day.

General Info

The University of Washington encourages interaction, discussion, comments, questions and criticism but asks that you keep your comments and posts relevant and respectful. We may remove any post or ban anyone who violates these guidelines. We will not tolerate personal attacks, inappropriate language, racism, spamming, imagery graphic in nature and excessive posting. We reserve the right to delete excessive postings to improve the overall fan experience. The University of Washington reserves the right to remove posts advertising commercial products as well as those that violate Facebook's terms of service or are inaccurate.

Company Rating

317150 Facebook users were in University of Washington. It's a 1 position in Popularity Rating for companies in College & University category in Seattle, Washington

349521 FB users likes University of Washington, set it to 1 position in Likes Rating for Seattle, Washington in College & University category


University of Washington is Seattle based place and this enity listed in College & University category. 98105. Contact phone number of University of Washington: (206) 543-2100

College & University category, Seattle

Seattle Pacific University
3307 3rd Ave W Seattle , WA 98119-1997 United States

Seattle Pacific University is a Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world.

University of Washington
Seattle , WA 98105 United States

Do you dare to Be Boundless? At the University of Washington, you can.

Seattle University
901 12th Ave Seattle , WA 98122 United States

Founded in 1891, we celebrate 125 years of being a Catholic and Jesuit school of thought and action. #SeattleU #SU125