at , Lexington , 40522 United States

Cure KY Kids is a non-profit organization developed to raise funds for childhood cancer research and services in Kentucky and dedicated to support children with cancer and other illnesses as well as their families.

Address and contacts of CURE KY Kids

place map

Lexington , KY 40522
United States
Contact Phone
P: (859) 305-1156


Cure KY Kids is inspired by the thousands of children and their families in Kentucky that wake each day, put one foot in front of the other and fight this battle. They are the founders of this organization and we are blessed to be one part of the doctors, nurses, scientists, researchers, caretakers and countless others who help to support their cause. Funds raised through Cure Ky Kids are used to support research, education efforts and programs at Kentucky’s pediatric cancer centers in addition to funding services that provide support to children with cancer and their families.

General Info

HOW TO PURCHASE A CURING CHILDHOOD CANCER LICENSE PLATE 1. Go to and complete the Application for a Special License Plate online OR print and mail your application to the address below. 2. Submit $25.00 to reserve your Curing Childhood Cancer license plate. Payment may be made via PayPal on the website or include a check made payable to CURE KY Kids, Inc. and return with your application to CURE KY Kids, Inc., P. O. Box 22312, Lexington, KY 40522. 3. The total cost for the Curing Childhood Cancer license plate will be $44.00 ($69.00 if you choose to personalize your license plate). Once the license plate is available, you will receive a postcard in the mail. You will take the postcard to your local license plate office and receive credit for the $25.00 paid. You will receive your Curing Childhood Cancer license plate upon payment of the difference. ($19.00) 4. Submit your application and make a difference in the life of a child fighting this battle today!! If you have any questions, you may contact us at or (859) 305-1156.

Company Rating

1901 FB users likes CURE KY Kids, set it to 4 position in Likes Rating for Lexington, Kentucky in Charity Organization category


CURE KY Kids is Lexington based place and this enity listed in Charity Organization category. 40522. Contact phone number of CURE KY Kids: (859) 305-1156

Charity Organization category, Lexington

YMCA of Central Kentucky
381 W Loudon Ave Lexington , KY 40508 United States

With a 158 year history, the YMCA of Central Kentucky is one of the oldest non-profit agencies in central Kentucky. We are a vital presence in our community, operating in partnership with private industry, government and other human service agencies. Today, the YMCA of Central Kentucky operates three full facilities, one community center (Center for Achievement), 15 licensed school aged child care programs and one full day Child Development Center in Fayette County. We also operate YMCA program centers in Jessamine and Scott Counties and contract with local government and other non-profit agencies for the operations of outdoor pools and various youth programs throughout the area. Our key messages are as follows: 1) Every child and youth will deepen positive values, their commitment to service and their motivation to learn. 2) Every family will build stronger bonds, achieve greater work/life balance and become more engaged with their communities. 3) Every individual will strengthen his/her holistic well-being. 4) Every community will be positively influenced by our leadership, collaboration, resources and commitment to youth development, lifestyle health and family strengthening.

Kentucky Refugee Ministries Lexington
1710 Alexandria Drive, Suite 2 Lexington , KY 40504 United States

KRM provides basic resettlement services to refugees who have been forced to flee from their home countries because they fear for their lives. Kentucky Refugee Ministries, Inc. (KRM) is an affiliate of Church World Service and Episcopal Migration Ministries. KRM opened an office in Lexington in 1998 and since that time over 1600 refugees from 31 countries have been resettled in the Lexington area. Currently, most refugees are coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and Bhutan.

Lexington , KY 40522 United States

Cure KY Kids is a non-profit organization developed to raise funds for childhood cancer research and services in Kentucky and dedicated to support children with cancer and other illnesses as well as their families.