Women Democrats of Sacramento County

at PO Number 161944, Sacramento , 95816 United States

Women Democrats of Sacramento County is a political club chartered by the Democratic Party of Sacramento County.

Address and contacts of Women Democrats of Sacramento County

place map
Women Democrats of Sacramento County
PO Number 161944
Sacramento , CA 95816
United States


We are a group of Democrats that take a special interest in the causes of women in American society. You do NOT have to be a female to be a member. Women's causes are everybody's causes when it comes down to it. Health Care Education Civil Rights Environment Women's Reproductive Rights Working Families

Company Rating

230 FB users likes Women Democrats of Sacramento County, set it to 5 position in Likes Rating for Sacramento, California in Political Organization category


Women Democrats of Sacramento County is Sacramento based place and this enity listed in Political Organization category. Located at PO Number 161944 CA 95816.

Political Organization category, Sacramento

California Growers Association
915 L St, Ste C-413 Sacramento , CA 95814 United States

Advocating for the protection of the public health, natural resources, and the welfare of communities on behalf of cannabis farms and businesses.

Sacramento Latino Democratic Club - LDC
Sacramento , CA 95816 United States

Engage Sacramento area Latinos and supporters in civic, political and public service to help the Latino community's socio-economic development.

Tea Party Express
Sacramento , CA null United States

Tea Party Express, the nation's largest Tea Party political action committee, has conducted 8 national bus tours and several mini tours, and has spent millions to help elect true conservatives to office. Stay tuned as we continue this fight! Tea Party Express has conducted 9 national tours, holding hundreds of Tea Party rallies all across America. We've also played pivotal roles in propelling numerous conservative candidates to victory, earning a reputation as one of the most aggressive and influential tea party groups in the country. The tea party movement won incredible victories in 2010, but Washington is still full of hypocritical 'big tent' republicans who join liberal democrats in demonstrating how urgent it is that we redouble our efforts to take on the establishment in both parties and elect Tea Party conservatives again in 2014. Only then can we start cleaning up the mess these self-serving politicians got us in.